Explore list of all Código de Endereçamento Postal (CEP) in Espirito Santo, Brazil or Retrieve CEP Codes instantly with address lookup tool.
Explore CEP Codes in Espirito Santo with our comprehensive directory. Whether you're a resident, a business owner, or a traveler, our curated list provides a detailed overview of the unique CEP Codes that define the diverse neighborhoods and regions of the State. Discover the intricacies of each CEP, from bustling urban centers to tranquil suburban enclaves. Our user-friendly guide aims to assist you in navigating and understanding the distinct regions encapsulated by CEP Espirito Santo, offering valuable insights for residents and visitors alike.
To find a comprehensive list of CEP Codes in Espirito Santo, please refer to the table below or click on any location on the Interactive map to instantly find the postal code for your mail's destination.
City | CEP | Details |
Afonso Cláudio | 29600-000 | |
Água Doce do Norte | 29820-000 | |
Águia Branca | 29795-000 | |
Alegre | 29500-000 | |
Alfredo Chaves | 29240-000 | |
Alto Rio Novo | 29760-000 | |
Anchieta | 29230-000 | |
Apiacá | 29450-000 | |
Aracruz | 29190-000 | |
Atilio Vivacqua | 29490-000 | |
Baixo Guandu | 29730-000 | |
Barra de São Francisco | 29800-000 | |
Boa Esperança | 29845-000 | |
Bom Jesus do Norte | 29460-000 | |
Brejetuba | 29630-000 | |
Cachoeiro de Itapemirim | 29300-000 | |
Cariacica | 29140-000 | |
Castelo | 29360-000 | |
Colatina | 29700-000 | |
Conceição da Barra | 29960-000 | |
Conceição do Castelo | 29370-000 | |
Divino de São Lourenço | 29590-000 | |
Domingos Martins | 29260-000 | |
Dores do Rio Preto | 29580-000 | |
Ecoporanga | 29850-000 | |
Fundão | 29185-000 | |
Guaçuí | 29560-000 | |
Guarapari | 29200-000 | |
Ibatiba | 29395-000 | |
Ibiraçu | 29670-000 | |
Ibitirama | 29540-000 | |
Iconha | 29280-000 | |
Irupi | 29398-000 | |
Itaguaçu | 29690-000 | |
Itapemirim | 29330-000 | |
Itarana | 29620-000 | |
Iúna | 29390-000 | |
Jaguaré | 29950-000 | |
Jerônimo Monteiro | 29550-000 | |
João Neiva | 29680-000 | |
Laranja da Terra | 29615-000 | |
Linhares | 29900-000 | |
Mantenópolis | 29770-000 | |
Marataízes | 29345-000 | |
Marechal Floriano | 29255-000 | |
Marilândia | 29725-000 | |
Mimoso do Sul | 29400-000 | |
Montanha | 29890-000 | |
Mucurici | 29880-000 | |
Muniz Freire | 29380-000 | |
Muqui | 29480-000 | |
Nova Venécia | 29830-000 | |
Pancas | 29750-000 | |
Pedro Canário | 29970-000 | |
Pinheiros | 29980-000 | |
Piúma | 29285-000 | |
Ponto Belo | 29885-000 | |
Presidente Kennedy | 29350-000 | |
Rio Bananal | 29920-000 | |
Rio Novo do Sul | 29290-000 | |
Santa Leopoldina | 29640-000 | |
Santa Maria de Jetibá | 29645-000 | |
Santa Teresa | 29650-000 | |
São Domingos do Norte | 29745-000 | |
São Gabriel da Palha | 29780-000 | |
São José do Calçado | 29470-000 | |
São Mateus | 29930-000 | |
São Roque do Canaã | 29665-000 | |
Serra | 29160-000 | |
Sooretama | 29927-000 | |
Vargem Alta | 29295-000 | |
Venda Nova do Imigrante | 29375-000 | |
Viana | 29135-000 | |
Vila Pavão | 29843-000 | |
Vila Valério | 29785-000 | |
Vila Velha | 29100-000 | |
Vitória | 29000-000 |
Interactive CEP code lookup Map: Simply click on any location on the map to instantly reveal its CEP code and address details. For a more immersive experience, engage Fullscreen mode to maximize your exploration capabilities and enable smooth navigation with scroll gestures.
Discover Brazil Postal codes across States and regions and Instantly retrieve Postal codes using interactive Postal code lookup Map, with Format and History information.
postalcodes.azinfoportal.comThe Espirito Santo Wikipedia Page provides a comprehensive overview of the Region, including its history, geography, culture, economy, and more. This page offers detailed information and is regularly updated to reflect the latest developments and insights about Espirito Santo.